“Examinations is not just a practice to evaluate the standards
of students through grades, but is a practice to assist them to understand what
they need and usher them to reach their destiny”
A full - fledged Examination cell has been established @ Theivanai
Ammal College for Women after the grant of autonomy in the year 2009. The
Controller of Examinations is Dr. S.Selvakumar.
Being an Autonomous Institution, Examination Cell is Heart of the college. It
looks after the conduct of examinations (Internal & External), evaluations,
result processing, result publication,specifying credits and award of degree.

Dr. S.Selvakumar
Controller of Examinations
“To be a centre of excellence
through the process of evaluation in all our endeavors, with particular emphasis on fair,
transparent, accountable and equitable assessment”
“To upgrade standard exam
procedures, providing qualitative and reliable educational assessment and
encouraging students through innovative assessment”
Technical Assistants

Official Contact Number & Email.Id
* Overall examination process which includes, scheduling the CIA
& ESE Examination dates (theory & practical), to take necessary action
to set the question papers from the examiners, printing the question papers,
conduction, valuation, processing and publishing results.
* Issuing mark sheet at the end of every semester and other
related certificates will be issued on request.
* Issuing provisional and degree certificate to all successful
candidates collected from the Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore after the
completion of a Programme.
* Providing endowment prizes for the toppers on the day of conduct
of Annual convocation.
* Strictly adhere to the university instructions regarding
Autonomous Examinations.
* Conduction of all End Semester Examination of the college.
* Notifications, timetable, instructions, guidelines etc. any
additions and modifications are invariably being notified to departments and on
the website from time to time
* Publication of results of undergraduate, post graduate and
research examinations is announced in website.